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Minister: BelNPP welcomes 3,500 visitors as part of tours in 2022


Many people are concerned about radiation monitoring within the grounds of the Belarusian nuclear power plant (BelNPP). It is conducted round the clock, Belarusian Energy Minister Viktor Karankevich said in an interview with the Economy of Belarus magazine.

“Information is analyzed both at the site of the nuclear plant and in the monitoring area - at the posts of the automatic radiation monitoring system. There are nine of them in total, and one more is located in the urban settlement of Svir, Myadel District, Minsk Oblast (outside the monitoring zone). Radiation monitoring data are available online. All necessary information can be found on the BelNPP website,” the energy minister said.

Information about the current values of gamma radiation dose rate is also displayed on the information boards in Svir, agro-towns Vornyany, Podoltsy, Rymdyuny, villages Goza, Chekhi, Markuny, Chernishki, and Olkhovka. BelNPP regularly exchanges data on the state of radiation situation with the state authorities.

The BelNPP information center organizes tours to the plant. In 2022 the number of visitors increased by more than one third compared to the previous year - up to 3,500 people. In addition to school and university students, young specialists, the excursion groups include teams of enterprises and organizations of various sectors of the economy, representatives of ministries, public organizations, foreign delegations from more than 15 countries, including Russia, Kazakhstan, Türkiye, China, and Vietnam.

The plant regularly organizes press tours for Belarusian and foreign mass media and bloggers.